Fatty Liver Disease

ًWhat is Fatty Liver Disease?

This disease is caused by increased accumulation of fat in the liver. This is partly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Accumulation of fat can occur in people with diabetes, regular consumption of alcohol, certain drugs, obese individuals, enzymatic defects, etc. The various stages of fatty liver disease are determined by the amount of fat accumulated and whether it damages liver cells. as indicated by an increase in liver enzymes on LFT. Proper diagnosis, nutritional advice, a regular exercise regimen, and avoidance of drugs that are toxic to the liver can help control and sometimes reverse the disease, as well as prevent the progression of liver damage. However, if left untreated, it can progress to cirrhosis and is in fact the leading cause of cirrhosis worldwide.

There are two main forms of this disease

  1. Alcohol-induced fatty liver disease (AFLD)
  2. Non-alcohol related fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

What are the Signs and Symptoms of it?

  •  Jaundice
  • Itching skin
  • Fatigue
  • nausea
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • vomiting of blood
  • easy bruising or bleeding
  • pain in the abdomen
  • Clay-colored Bowel movements
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Belly pain
  • Weight loss
  • dark urine
  • Pale Stool
  • Easy Bruising and Bleeding
  • Building up of fluids in the legs (edema) and in the abdomen (Ascites)
  • Breast enlargement in men
  • confusion

How is it disease diagnosed?

Generally, This disease is first diagnosed through a routine blood test or checkup. For the confirmation of a diagnosis, some laboratory and imaging tests is usually done.

Following tests should be done for this disease.

  • Laboratory tests. Complete blood count (CBC), Liver function tests, Blood tests for other causes of liver disease, Prothrombin Time and International Normalised Ratio (PT/INR)
  • Imaging tests. Abdominal CT scan, Ultrasound of the abdomen,
  • Ultrasound elastography
  • Liver biopsy

What is the treatment of it?

In fatty Liver Disease first of all, patient is advised to stop drinking alcohol if fatty liver because of intake alcohol. The goals of treatment are to minimize the development of scar tissue in the liver and treat the symptoms and complications of liver cirrhosis. If your liver is seriously damaged, you may need to be hospitalized. although, in advanced cases of cirrhosis, a liver transplant is required.

Contact us at +91 72920 10613 for best liver surgeon in India.

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