Pediatric Liver Disease

Pediatric Liver Disease (Liver Diseases in Children)

Liver disease in children can be caused by many reasons, and there are many symptoms of liver disease. Children should be closely monitored for signs of liver problems. Children can often experience itchy skin due to an excess buildup of bile in the body.

Symptoms of Pediatric Liver Disease may include 

  • Loss of appetite
  • Yellow urine or pale-colored urine
  • Whitish stool or pale-colored stool 
  • Blood Vomiting
  • Water getting deposited in the liver
  • Swelling in the Liver
  • Bone fractures
  • Fever

Types of Liver Diseases in children

  • Biliary Artesia or Choledochal Cyst
  • Metabolic Liver Disease
  • Auto-Immune Liver Disease
  • Wilson’s Disease
  • Liver Infections

What is the treatment of Pediatric Liver Disease ?

Gallbladder, gallstones, liver cancer are some of the common problems that occur in children. There is no exact treatment for liver disease. Diagnosis may vary by type. But proper care and evaluation is highly recommended. The long-term outcomes of liver disease can be good with proper treatment and continued adherence to a healthy diet.

Contact us at +91 72920 10613 for best liver surgeon in India for Pediatric Liver Disease.

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