Who needs a Liver Transplant?

Who needs a Liver Transplant?

In accordance with international guidelines, any patient with cirrhosis of the liver and estimated to live less than a year should be considered as a candidate for transplantation. The severity of the liver disease is graded from A to C. Generally, grades B and C are offered transplants. A patient with CPT hepatocellular carcinoma is also being considered for transplantation.

Patients with any of the symptoms of liver failure listed below should seek specialist advice so that a liver specialist can assess whether transplantation or drug treatment is appropriate for them. In any case, the better the patient’s condition at the time of transplantation, the better the results of the operation.

If your liver is affected by the following conditions, it can lead to acute or chronic liver failure and may require a liver transplant

  • Chronic liver diseases
  • Acute liver failure
Chronic Liver Disease
  • Viral illnesses such as Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
  • Alcoholic liver disease
  • Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Tendency for blockage of blood vessels of liver 
  • Developmental malformations of liver as in biliary atresia in children
  • Autoimmune hepatitis, biliary cirrhosis, Wilson’s disease etc
  • Sometimes from still unknown factors
In most cases, the above causes initially lead to hepatitis, which is usually treatable. However, if the damaging factor is not eliminated or not treated in time, cirrhosis of the liver develops, and then, as a rule, it is too late to reverse the course of the disease.
Acute Liver Disease
  • Hepatitis A, Hepatitis E
  • consumption of large amount of acetaminophen
  • Some drugs like which are toxic to liver
  • Rat Poison
  • Wilsons disease, autoimmune hepatitis
  • Unknown reasons
This is usually an emergency situation in which if the patient does not receive adequate treatment or does not respond to it, then patient may need an immediate liver transplant.
A patient with acute liver damage should be taken to a center with liver transplant facilities as early as possible, so that appropriate intervention can be done timely. Almost 50% of patients with acute liver failure can be salvaged without the need of undergoing an urgent liver transplant at specialized centers that have liver transplant facilities available.
Contact us at +91 72920 10613 for best liver surgeon in India.



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